Munkman and Exall On Damages For Personal Injuries and Death 14th edition

The best-selling title on the assessment of damages.

Publication Date: November 2019

Publisher: LexisNexis Butterworths

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SG$ 499.13
Back-order ISBN: 9781474312295


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Acclaimed as one of the standard texts on damages since it was first published in 1956, this edition has not rested on its laurels. The book has been restructured and rewritten to ensure ease of use of busy practitioners. Munkman and Exall is the text that constantly reminds practitioners how they can use the basic elements of the law of damages to assist their clients bring, or defend, a personal injury claim. The first principles of damages are essential elements in even the most complex of claims. Recognised by practitioners for its clear and practical style, this best-selling title provides a complete statement of the principles of law on the assessment of damages together with illustrations of typical awards that can be used as general guides in comparable cases.



Chapter 1 - Introduction

Chapter 2 - Key Data Protection Principles

Chapter 3 - Collecting Personal Data

Chapter 4 - Using Personal Data

Chapter 5 - Disclosing Personal Data

Chapter 6 - Understanding The Rights of Individuals

Chapter 7 - Keeping Personal Data Accurate and Safe

Chapter 8 - Marketing Messages

Chapter 9 - Online Business and Websites

Chapter 10 - Employee Data

Chapter 11 - Enforcement and Penalties

Chapter 12 - Sector-Specific Legislation

Chapter 13 - Compliance Checklist for Organisations

Appendix 1 - Abbreviations

Appendix 2 - Useful Resources

Appendix 3 - Personal Data Protection Act 2012

Appendix 4 - Spam Control Act


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